Monday, June 27, 2005

Under a Week!

I leave for Vegas in under a week! (I've recently rediscovered my ability to count.)

The excitement mounts. (Though the hotel room is a bit more than I'm used to spending. Well, not really, but it's still a bit hefty.)

I need to do laundry. Or I could just pack up whatever clean clothes I have left, including those that never made it out of the luggage from the last time I went home, to see my grandmother, in April. This is how bad I am about unpacking my stuff.

Any suggestions besides gambling and shopping on the strip for stuff to see/do in Vegas? Anything I need to take with me just in case?


Anonymous said...

You sound like me when it comes to packing.

Will said...

I know all about the luggage thing. By all means see the Liberace Museum and head dowm past the main strip to the older casinos.

anne said...

Oh please, have a look at whatever place Dean Martin used to haunt.
And send us a postcard...!

Steve said...

You should look up and and report back, pronto!

Steve said...

Alright, dammit! I am not a retard! Mine comment was the deleted one above, and the damn tags worked when I previewed the comment. It's supposed to say Scott & Rich. I'll send you their blog links. This sucks.

Dennis! said...

LOL -- Steve, you suck. The links to the sites are there, but the hyperlinked words aren't terribly descriptive. I went through and permanently deleted the one you got rid of.

Will -- Yeah, I kinda like the old strip more than the new one, personally.

Jon said...

I've never been to Vegas. I think cheap buffets would be far too appealing to me ;)

Oh, and I thougt I saw you on Friday night- I was at a Japanese restaurant near Grand Central Station, as I had just seen a play with my mom and she was about to get the train home to the burbs. Anyway, a guy who looks a lot like you was sitting at a nearby table, and I kept staring- I think I freaked himn out, but ultimately, I decided it wasn't you

Dennis! said...

Jon -- You should go. If it weren't four days away, I'd invite you go just get a ticket and come with. (Hell, if you want to, you're still welcome.) I haven't been to The City since that time I met up with you, unfortunately. After this trip is paid off, I'm going to reexamine my finances and check on a weekend trek up there. I'll let you know. :)