Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Superficiality Revisited

My "friend" C.W.T. (he's the wildly tactless one who thinks I'm incredibly superficial) sent me an email this week (well, me and a few of his other local friends) advising that he may be in town this weekend.

Would it be petty of me to completely ignore his email? A more interesting question: Would it be staggeringly superficial of me to do so? (I lean toward no, but apparently C.W.T. and I have differing definitions of the word "superficial.")

The merits of his accusation aside, I think I'd rather spare him the formality of hanging out with me, O Superficial One, just out of some perceived duty to do so.


Will said...

Just say, sorry t miss you,I will be busy this weekend at (enter event in another state).

ericorbit said...

ignore it.

David Tellez said...

The bigger question, I think, is why are you ignoring it? Is there some deeper, darker secret? Oooh...LOL...but whatever your reasons it may be, I say ignore it. I know I've done it many times. Whether I'm mad at someone, or just not in the mood to talk, I wont respond, and later I'll be all surprised when they tell me they tried to get in touch. It doesnt hurt their feelings, and it's a way to get out of an awkward situation...

Jon said...

My question is, is this someone who you have history with but don't like? Or this someone who, while he gets on your nerves, is still a friend when it comes to it?

If you feel he falls under the first category, ignore the email. But, if he falls under category number 2, why not just meet him for a quick dinner or drink, just to keep the peace, you know?

Dennis! said...

Yeah, I'm just inclined to let it go by not responding. There would be too much drama if I were to respond with a bitchy comment (which is my other sore temptation, which I shall resist).

Jon: I've known this guy since grade school, but we don't keep in touch very often -- which is one of the reasons I think it's so freaking presumptuous for him to label me like that. Frankly, I don't really consider him a "friend" any longer, just someone I've known for a long time and thus is in my life by default.